Friday, March 11, 2011

Six Weeks Ago...

You were born.

That was little baby S at 4 hours old, weighing 2 pounds 4 ounces... lots of that water weight. A few days later, he dropped down to 1 pound 14 ounces. Now, six weeks later, he has doubled that number! 

Mr. S has brought so much joy to our lives already. Along with his care staff, we have a set of lofty goals for him to keep in mind. 
  • Be the President of the United States at 36 y.o.
  • Become a Hall of Fame pitcher for the Boston Red Sox by the age of 35. :)
  • While playing for the Red Sox, he will spend his down time studying in Cambridge at Harvard. One of his Neonatologists has offered to pen a wonderful letter of recommendation. 
  • During his childhood and young adulthood, we expect him to give us headaches, have lots of friends and be happy. We want him to grow knowing what a miracle he is.
Out of these goals set, the last is probably the most realistic. Sweet, beautiful baby boy. We love you.

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