Sunday, March 27, 2011

Keeping it clean

I come from a family of clean freaks. They are more than just clean freaks, my mother has been diagnosed with OCD. She irons everything, washes her floors twice a day and if you move a vase just a few inches over, she notices. She's the female "Monk."

I didn't inherit the insanity, but I am also pretty into having a clean house. I cannot handle clutter or mess. I hate to see dishes in the sink waiting to be washed. When my husband showers, he knows the clothes has to go down to the basement to the hamper there. It's a huge change from his previous dwelling, but he's getting used to it.

Our cleaning routine is pretty easy. Everyday, we make the bed, wash all dishes, sweep floors and dry off the shower after we use it. My husband has also learned to dry off the bottles of body wash and put them back in our linen closet instead of letting them fill up the shower shelves. I wash the floors as needed, which is usually two to three times a week. I hate foot prints. Every Saturday morning, I dust every room, move furniture to sweep behind it, wash the bathroom and kitchen and change the bed sheets. Every few weeks, I'll dust the baseboards, wash windows (as needed) and wipe down the walls. What do I use to clean? Just a wet sheet of bounty and a dry one. It works better than anything else we could think of.

Despite always keeping up with my house, I feel like it is never complete. I guarantee so many people agree.

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