Friday, April 1, 2011

Pumping woes

For once, I thought something was going well for me. I had been steadily pumping from 600-700mL's a day of breast milk for my little guy. Then I got an infection from a medical procedure which required antibiotics and boom. My supply dipped. It happened seemingly overnight! Yesterday, I didn't even break 500mL. Lovely.

My stash is large right now. I have about exactly 18930mL or 640 ounces in the deep freezer. That doesn't count the 30 ounces or so in the kitchen freezer. My son is taking in 44mL per feeding, 8 times a day for a total of 352mL or just about 12 ounces a day. This is half of a normal infant's daily intake. The goal is to get him to feed by mouth and take 18 ounces minimum before he goes home. If I can't keep up with him, my stash will quickly dwindle and I'll never have enough to last!

I am deathly afraid of not being able to provide breast milk for my mini-miracle. The antibodies in my milk provide him with strength and his stomach can easily digest and use what I provide to him. If I can't do that small thing, than I'll feel like I failed him completely. I couldn't provide him a strong home for 40 weeks, might as well feed him the best possible nutrition.

I need to get my supply up, and quick. I have a script for Reglan. I am going to give it another go. It temporarily boosted my supply before. Might as well give it another shot. After some research, I think I will try to do a few more things: drink more water, eat more food, pump around the clock and drink Mother's Milk tea. My supply had been established and I could get that total amount with just four pumping sessions a day. Today, I pumped six times and was lucky to get 500mL.

Wish me luck. My boobs will have some explaining to do if they can't keep up!

1 comment:

  1. I came over here from TPP. I just wanted to say that it's highly likely your supply will go up once he starts nursing. Hang in there! It gets better. :)
